
5 years of NORDÉS

Coinciding with the month in which the gallery celebrates its fifth anniversary, NORDÉS moves temporarily to the Galería Nueva space in Madrid, while continuing its programme in Santiago de Compostela (link to current exhibition).


In a sector in which the word resistance is pronounced as a necessary mantra, five years well deserves a certain kind of celebration. So, in a symbolic way, through a selection of works -still available- of the artists and exhibitions programmed during these five seasons so far, "5 years of Nordés" traces in this way a brief journey through the journey of this gallery in the company of: Pablo Barreiro, Luisa Pastor, Rosendo Cid, Julia Huete, Narelle Jubelin, Miguel Marina, Andrea V. Wright, Lluc Baños, Tamra Arroyo, Mar Cubero, Manuel Eirís, Vicente Vázquez, Dalila Gonçalves, Carla Souto*, Stan Van Steendam, Mar Ramón Soriano, Alberto Odériz + Irene Grau, Fuentesal Arenillas, Usoa Fullaondo and Oriol Vilapuig*.

*Artists included in the curated group exhibitions: 

Hidden in the Shadow. Happening in the Margin. Dissolving Form. Curator: Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo. Artists: Gabriel Alonso, Elena Asins, Taxio Andaraz, Nicolás Combarro, Carla Souto and Esther Gatón. From 14 January to 25 February 2021.

Xestos, formas e actos. Curator: Ángel Calvo Ulloa. Artists: Alejandra Pombo Su, Diego Vites, Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela, Oriol Vilapuig. From 18 November to 16 December 2022.

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